LG Egypt Supports “Ro’yaa Center for Visual Impairment” in Qena Governorate with its latest electrical appliances

yasamin khalid

   Continuing its partnership with Misr El Kheir Foundation, LG Egypt has donated a number of its latest electrical appliances to Ro’yaa Center for the Visual Impairment in Qena Governorate

The In-Kind donation aims to enhance the services provided by the center, as part of the LG’s commitment to support underserved communities and improve the quality of life for all individuals across Egypt’s governorates

The Ro’yaa Center offers services to visually impaired individuals aged four and above in Upper Egypt across various fields, including education, training, integration, accessibility, and community rehabilitation

The center also supports those who interact with visually impaired individuals, including parents, institutions, associations, special

education teachers, inclusive school teachers, and college students specializing in special education and visual impairment

This includes preparing specialized trainers in visual impairment, such as Braille and computer instructors, as well as training in designing and producing educational and

recreational games and tools for the visually impaired, and providing essential support for parents in dealing with their visually impaired children by teaching them Braille and other necessary skills

In his statement, Mohamed El Gedawy, Marketing and Public Relations Manager at LG Egypt, commented on the donation: “LG Egypt takes great pride in its partnership

with Misr El Kheir Foundation, which aims to create positive change in society. And we are proud to support this cause through both material and moral contributions, aiming to provide equal opportunities for all members of the Egyptian community

Meanwhile, Mr. Magdy Maharam, Head of Life Development Sector at Misr El Kheir Foundation, said: “Misr El Kheir has been providing financial and material support to the Ro’yaa Center for the Visually Impaired in Upper Egypt since 2011, as part of our vision to build capacities, ensure human dignity, and enhance opportunities for the integration and accessibility of people with disabilities

We would like to thank LG Egypt for their continued collaboration and their generous donation to the center

This donation continues the successful cooperation between LG Egypt and Misr El Kheir Foundation and aligns with LG’s global slogan, “Life’s Good,” embodying the company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility

The memorandum of understanding between LG Egypt and Misr El Kheir ensures that the company participates in various community initiatives and provides direct assistance to institutions and associations

supported by Misr El Kheir, aiming to enhance the services they offer to the most vulnerable groups in society

wasalah ‘iiqtisadia

khaled ali

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وزير الإسكان يلتقى نظيره السعودي لبحث إنشاء صندوق عقاري مشترك

الأربعاء نوفمبر 13 , 2024
مريم تيسير _ التقى المهندس شريف الشربيني وزير الإسكان والمرافق والمجتمعات العمرانية الدكتور ماجد الحقيل وزير البلديات والإسكان بالمملكة العربية السعودية لبحث سبل تعزيز التعاون المشترك بين البلدين، فى مجال التنمية العمرانية على هامش مشاركة وزير الإسكان بمعرض سيتى سكيب بالعاصمة السعودية الرياض.

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