Huawei signs an MOU with Petromaint

wasalah ‘iiqtisadia

Huawei, a leading provider of information and communication technology solutions, has signed an MOU with the Alexandria Petroleum Maintenance Company (Petromaint)

to enhance collaboration in implementing innovative digital and sustainable energy solutions
In line with the MOU, Huawei’s objective is to provide Petromaint with integrated energy solutions and enhance productivity through the utilization of low-carbon data center facilities

These facilities are characterized by their high energy efficiency and contribute to the establishment of an environmentally sustainable system by harnessing the potential of AI and big data technologies. Huawei’s comprehensive solutions also encompass smart photovoltaic energy

Smart PV energy storage systems, as well as integrated and intelligent power supply and backup energy management systems (iSitePower)

On the sidelines of Huawei’s participation in the Egypt Energy Show (EGYPES) 2024,E the MOU was signed by Joey Deng, CEO of Huawei Digital Power Business, and Eng

Ibrahim Motawea, Chairman & Managing Director of Petromaint

The signing took place in the presence of Eng. Ibrahim Ramadan, Director of Business Development at Huawei Egypt, alongside several executives from Petromaint

It is noteworthy that Huawei has been an active participant in EGYPES 2024 for the fourth year in a row


Throughout this event, Huawei actively showcases its solutions, technologies, and best practices in the petroleum sector

Notably, Huawei’s IT and communication technologies have been implemented in over 45 oil and gas-producing countries worldwide, benefiting 70% of the leading global oil and gas companies

These endeavors are in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030



khaled ali

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