The Prime Minister, Minister of Local Development, and Governor of Alexandria Open the Saudi German Hospital-Alexandria

وصله إقتصادية

, the Saudi German Health Group – Egypt inaugurated a new hospital in Alexandria. The event was attended by a host of dignitaries including the Prime Minister, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, and several high-ranking officials from various Egyptian ministries and authorities

The new facility is a part of the Saudi German Health Group’s expansion in Egypt, which began with the opening of their first branch in Cairo in 2016. The group is known for its high-quality healthcare services, providing care for patients and their families under the slogan “we care for you like our family

The Saudi German Hospital in Alexandria is a significant step towards the establishment of Batargy Medical City, which will be spread over an area of 88,000 square meters in the Borg El Arab area

The hospital has been designed per international standards and can accommodate up to 300 patients, providing medical services across all primary and secondary specialties

The first phase of the Batargy Medical City project is estimated to cost around $110 million and will create employment for approximately 1,200 people

Once completed, it will serve as a healthcare destination for Alexandria and neighboring governorates, as well as the North Coast

The Saudi German Health Group has been an active participant in many public health initiatives in Egypt. In 2018, the group contributed to the “100 million Health” campaign to combat Hepatitis C and increase public health awareness.

They’ve also provided free screenings for breast cancer and diabetes and offered free treatments for over 100 children suffering from cleft lip and palate

During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the Saudi German Hospital was on the frontlines, providing healthcare services to some of the most complex cases and achieving high recovery rates

In recognition of the group’s exceptional services in healthcare, the first edition of the Saudi German Health Award – “Caring for You Like Family” was launched in 2022.

All these achievements, made in Egypt by Egyptian teams, have led to the Saudi German Health Group earnings multiple international accreditations, including those from the Joint Commission International (JCI) and the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua)

The group has also received the German Temos accreditation in the field of medical tourism and joined the membership of the Mayo Clinic Health Care, amongst others

The journey of the Saudi German Health Group in Egypt continues, backed by the vision of the political leadership and the support of Egypt

khaled ali

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