PaySky and Yalla Super App acquire two Global Business Outlook 2023 awards

wasalah ‘iiqtisadia

 PaySky won the award for Most Innovative Multi-Channel Payment Solutions Provider, in addition to Yalla Super App winning the award for the Fastest-Growing Financial Inclusion App in Egypt in 2023

These awards were part of the Global Business Outlook magazine award 2023

The crowning of PaySky with these awards is in recognition of its success in working to democratize the electronic payment system (financial inclusion) to bridge the gaps facing electronic payments and the financial services sector around the world

PaySky always strives to develop and provide the latest financial technology solutions to its customers in line with its vision

The company has succeeded in providing innovative financial services and solutions to central banks, major financial institutions, and major commercial institutions in more than 18 countries

Yalla Super App, powered by PaySky, has achieved a significant milestone by winning the award for the fastest growing financial inclusion app in Egypt 2023

In less than 8 months, it has reached over one million users and currently boasts a user base of 2 million. This accomplishment is unprecedented in the field of financial technology and highlights its exceptional achievements in the financial sector

Dr. Waleed Sadek, the founder and CEO of PaySky and Yalla Super App, expressed his appreciation for PaySky receiving the award, saying:”We are proud of the company’s achievements, and this recognition serves as a testament to

the tireless efforts of our team in driving the digital transformation and advancing electronic payments as one of

the constants of our strategy and business ecosystem, in order to find solutions and services that are effective and safe that meet the needs of people of all ages

He added: “The success of Yalla Super App is an extension of the successes of PaySky that it has achieved and we’re very proud of it

Yalla Super App conducted many surveys to understand and analyze the needs and aspirations of customers from individuals and institutions

As a result, the application was able to provide a wide range of different payment solutions to facilitate financial and non-financial services effectively and securely for different user segments of backgrounds and ages

The application also follows a strategy for continuous expansion in strategic markets that have a direct impact on the Egyptian market, especially markets that are ready for digital transformation and financial inclusion

Therefore, the application studied expanding its services in United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan markets
It is worth mentioning that Yalla Super App, powered by PaySky, won the first-place award last year in “We Make Future” global competition held in Italy

The application won the first-place award as the best startup after winning over 5 European startups that qualified for the final round from over a thousand companies that participated from around the world



khaled ali

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